Audience Feedback Questionnaire
From 1 being the highest and 5 being the lowest, please answer the following questions:
1. How well does the documentary flow?
1 2 3 4 5
2. How informative is the documentary?
1 2 3 4 5
3. Does the sound and music fit the documentary?
1 2 3 4 5
4. Would this five minute extract encourage you to watch the full program and why?
5. How would you rate our documentary in terms of being entertaining?
1 2 3 4 5
6. Do you think the camerawork and editing used made our extract look professional?
1 2 3 4 5
7. Do you think our program suits our target audience of young adults?
1 2 3 4 5
8. How appropriate is our documentary for channel 4 and why?
9. How effective is our radio trailer at advertising our documentary?
1 2 3 4 5
10. Does the print advert catch your eye?
1 2 3 4 5
11. Do you think our voice over fits the topic of the documentary?
1 2 3 4 5
As a group, we gave out are questionaires to members of our target audience for some constructive feedback for our 3 products: documentary, print advert and radio trailer. Firstly we did this with other groups in our class, and then we gave out qustionaires to our peers and family. Overall, our feedback was mostly positive with praise given to us for camera work, editing and for producing a professional style documentary. Most of our feedback commented on how well we had used our topic to suit our target audience of young adults and also the use of useful information given if watched by more young adults. However, we were criticized because sometimes documentary did not flow at all times and certain cutaways could have been more relevant to what was being said in the interviews.
Friday, 16 December 2011
Thursday, 15 December 2011
Newspaper advert production
To produce are newpaper advert for are documentary we used photoshop to edit are chosen image to make it look bigger and apply are slogan and scheduling, for this we used fonts that would resemble other channel 4 programmes to make it look professional. We also added the channel 4 logo.

After cutting out the image carefully, we added the channel 4 logo to the right hand side of the A4 page also including text at the right hand side corner with appropiate font that was relevant to the documentary.
The text included:
"Does my bum look big in this"
Nobody's Perfect
Thursday 9PM, Channel 4.
We also added a white background to the text as this is common in other channel 4 productions.
we used the text box to do the text (below)

We also used the box tool to create the white boxes behind the text

After realsing that the channel 4 logo was too small, we decided that it needed to be slighlty bigger. Pressing Ctrl+T enabled this. We then dragged the corner with our mouse to make the logo bigger but inproportion.
Images for are newspaper advert
Drafting newspaper advert
1st idea
- as a group we decided on an idea for our print ad:
-it was to include a male and female with differnt body parts from different people connoting how people would change their body image to look a certain way.
- it would include our scheduling (Thursday 9PM, Channel 4)
- also our slogan "How far would you go to reach perfection the title of our documentary
This would all be n the right hand side of the print (at bottem)
- it would include the channel 4 logo
This would be on the left handside of the print ad.

2nd idea
We felt that this idea would not be eye catchng enough, therefore we thought of the idea of a common phrase that people say, 'Does my bum look big in this'. We produced an image which would support are slogan to conform with codes and conventions of newpaper adverts.

Codes and conventions of Newpaper advert
As a class, we discussed codes and conventions of newspaper advertisements for documentaries. The following link shows examples of of the print adverts we looked at as a class:

- Channel logo: stands out (indent)
- Slogan is relevant to content(eyecatching and intriguing)
- Picture relates to the documentary
- Shows scheduling
Recording and Editing radio trailer
We recorded our radio trailer in a radio studio inside school. We made we had no interuptions and that everything said was captured clearly. We used a member of staff which we thought had an appropriate voice for are documentary
We then used Premire Pro ao that we could cut and edit of radion trailer where appropiate.

Scripting Radio trailer
Music: Nobody's Perfect by Jessie J
Voice over: Is there anything you want to change about your body?
Vox pops:
1. my weight
2. my nose
3. bigger mucseles
4.better tan boobs!
Voice over: How far would you go to make those changes?
Vox pops:
1. lipo suction
2. weight watchers
3. tattoo makeup
4. take steriods
5. boob job!
Voice over: Are we a nation obsessed with how we look?
Vox pop: "Does my bum look big in this?"9
Voice over: find out on thursday night, 9PM, channel 4
Music at end: "Nobody's perfect, NO".
Voice over: Is there anything you want to change about your body?
Vox pops:
1. my weight
2. my nose
3. bigger mucseles
4.better tan boobs!
Voice over: How far would you go to make those changes?
Vox pops:
1. lipo suction
2. weight watchers
3. tattoo makeup
4. take steriods
5. boob job!
Voice over: Are we a nation obsessed with how we look?
Vox pop: "Does my bum look big in this?"9
Voice over: find out on thursday night, 9PM, channel 4
Music at end: "Nobody's perfect, NO".
Codes and conventions of Radio trailer
- voice over: anchors meaning, asks rhetorical questions- relevant to topic, can also be intercut between clips.
- sound effects (sound bed): relevant to topic and content.
- scheduling at end: channel, time and day its will be on and also the title of the documentary.
- gives your a feel about what the documentary is about.
- clips from documentary- gets the audience intrigued.
- language: informal and clear voice.
- 30/40 seconds long.
- includes a sloagn.
In class we looked at various radio trailers to identify the codes and conventions of radio trailer.
- sound effects (sound bed): relevant to topic and content.
- scheduling at end: channel, time and day its will be on and also the title of the documentary.
- gives your a feel about what the documentary is about.
- clips from documentary- gets the audience intrigued.
- language: informal and clear voice.
- 30/40 seconds long.
- includes a sloagn.
In class we looked at various radio trailers to identify the codes and conventions of radio trailer.
Scripting the Voiceover
Body image is considered to be a massively important factor in a person life wether they be male or female. For girls, makeup is a key ingreedient for perfecting thw way you look. The beauty industry brings in about 250 millions pounds in the UK alone. This is a staggering amount to spend on something you wipe of each night.
On the other hand, weight is also a common problem in every day life with some cases going to the extreme causing anorexia or obesity. A healthy but time consuming way to loose weight is Weight Watchers. This gives people the stability when wanting to loose weight.
Cosmetic surgery in some cases is a life thretening choice, however, some proceeders can only take 20 minutes. Carol Mclaughan tells us about her experience.
On the other hand, weight is also a common problem in every day life with some cases going to the extreme causing anorexia or obesity. A healthy but time consuming way to loose weight is Weight Watchers. This gives people the stability when wanting to loose weight.
Cosmetic surgery in some cases is a life thretening choice, however, some proceeders can only take 20 minutes. Carol Mclaughan tells us about her experience.
Tuesday, 13 December 2011
Documentary production
Sunday, 11 December 2011
Saturday, 10 December 2011
Monday, 14 November 2011
Nathan Peters interview

Carol interview

Ruth from weightwatchers interview

Miss Borges psychologist interview

Joe Deer personal trainer interview

Questions for interviews
Questions for Nathan-Weight Watchers Member
1. Tell me about your decision to join Weight Watchers.
2. What do your friends think about you going on a diet?
3. Are you conscious about what people think about your body image?
4. Tell me about you ideal healthy diet?
5. Do you think it’s important to have a good body image? Why?
6. Tell me about your daily exercise regime.
7. How did your weight and body affect your lifestyle?
8. What made you start taking protein shakes?
9. Now that you have lost weight, do you tend to look after your appearance more?
10. Do you think Weight Watchers diet worked for you?
11. Would you try any other diets?
12. Who are you celebrity influences? Why?
13. What’s your opinion on extreme diets?
14. Tell me about your opinion on Weight Watchers going on the NHS?
Questions for Carol - Cosmetic Surgery Patient
1. Tell me why you wanted surgery.
2. Tell me about what made you conscious of your body image?
3. What types of cosmetic surgery have you had?
4. Are you happier now that you have had your cosmetic surgery?
5. How has cosmetic surgery affected your lifestyle?
6. Tell me about the diets you have tried.
7. Tell me why your diet?
8. Do you have a desired weight you want to be?
9. Do celebrities have an influence on you and your body image?
Questions for psychologist Abigail Borges
1. Tell me about the part of the brain that makes us conscious about are image?
2. Do people on diets have to have a certain mind set for them to succeed?
3. Are diets actually effective; or is it more in the mind and people thinking differently about themselves?
4. Do you think more younger people are on diets? If so, why do you think this?
Questions for Joe Deer- Personal Trainer
1. Do most of the people come to you to lose weight or is it for other reasons?
2. What activities do you include in your training programme? Why are they helpful?
3. Do you have mostly men or women?
4. How much do you charge?
5. Do you advise them on what to eat?
6. For those trying to gain muscle, would you recommend supplements such as protein shakes?
7. Tell me about your opinion on other supplements such as steroids etc…
Title Sequence Storyboard
Below is the storyboard we created for are title sequence, it consists of a mirror on a wall with the letters 'No Body's Perfect' appearing, lasting one second at a time. We will write the lettering with red lipstick. At end of this, a female will kiss the mirror with red lipstick on. In addition, the song "Nobody's Perfect" by Jessie J will be embeded throughout.
Nathan Peters interview
Carol interview
Ruth from weightwatchers interview
Miss Borges psychologist interview
Joe Deer personal trainer interview
Questions for interviews
Questions for Nathan-Weight Watchers Member
1. Tell me about your decision to join Weight Watchers.
2. What do your friends think about you going on a diet?
3. Are you conscious about what people think about your body image?
4. Tell me about you ideal healthy diet?
5. Do you think it’s important to have a good body image? Why?
6. Tell me about your daily exercise regime.
7. How did your weight and body affect your lifestyle?
8. What made you start taking protein shakes?
9. Now that you have lost weight, do you tend to look after your appearance more?
10. Do you think Weight Watchers diet worked for you?
11. Would you try any other diets?
12. Who are you celebrity influences? Why?
13. What’s your opinion on extreme diets?
14. Tell me about your opinion on Weight Watchers going on the NHS?
Questions for Carol - Cosmetic Surgery Patient
1. Tell me why you wanted surgery.
2. Tell me about what made you conscious of your body image?
3. What types of cosmetic surgery have you had?
4. Are you happier now that you have had your cosmetic surgery?
5. How has cosmetic surgery affected your lifestyle?
6. Tell me about the diets you have tried.
7. Tell me why your diet?
8. Do you have a desired weight you want to be?
9. Do celebrities have an influence on you and your body image?
Questions for psychologist Abigail Borges
1. Tell me about the part of the brain that makes us conscious about are image?
2. Do people on diets have to have a certain mind set for them to succeed?
3. Are diets actually effective; or is it more in the mind and people thinking differently about themselves?
4. Do you think more younger people are on diets? If so, why do you think this?
Questions for Joe Deer- Personal Trainer
1. Do most of the people come to you to lose weight or is it for other reasons?
2. What activities do you include in your training programme? Why are they helpful?
3. Do you have mostly men or women?
4. How much do you charge?
5. Do you advise them on what to eat?
6. For those trying to gain muscle, would you recommend supplements such as protein shakes?
7. Tell me about your opinion on other supplements such as steroids etc…
Title Sequence Storyboard
Below is the storyboard we created for are title sequence, it consists of a mirror on a wall with the letters 'No Body's Perfect' appearing, lasting one second at a time. We will write the lettering with red lipstick. At end of this, a female will kiss the mirror with red lipstick on. In addition, the song "Nobody's Perfect" by Jessie J will be embeded throughout.

Running Order
Research For Documentary
Nathan Peters- Weight Watchers Member: filmed at interviewees house located in his own gym. The mise-en-scene will include weights in the background with it being a mid-shot.
Carol- Cosmetic Surgery Patient: filmed at interviewees house located is her bedroom infront of her mirror. The mise-en-scene will include beauty products in the background to connote topic etc with it being a mid-shot.
Joe Deer- Personal Trainer: filmed at his work place (Total Fitness) loacted infront of tredmills and other gym equipment with it being a mid-shot.
Ruth- Weight Watchers Leader: located in an office with the mise-en-scene being simple just a white background. The shot will be a close medium shot.
Miss Borges: Psychologist: filmed at interviewees workplace located in her classroom. The mise-en-scene will include her classroom and also a psychologist poster to connote topic with it being a close medium shot.
Archive Material:
Louise Redknapp The Truth About Size Zero:
P!NK Music Video- Stupid Girls:
Weight Watchers To Go On The NHS- Sky Article:
Christina Aguilera Music Video- Beautiful:
Body Image Advert:
Claire Richards Slave To Food:
Weight Watchers Online:
Nathan Peters- Weight Watchers Member: filmed at interviewees house located in his own gym. The mise-en-scene will include weights in the background with it being a mid-shot.
Carol- Cosmetic Surgery Patient: filmed at interviewees house located is her bedroom infront of her mirror. The mise-en-scene will include beauty products in the background to connote topic etc with it being a mid-shot.
Joe Deer- Personal Trainer: filmed at his work place (Total Fitness) loacted infront of tredmills and other gym equipment with it being a mid-shot.
Ruth- Weight Watchers Leader: located in an office with the mise-en-scene being simple just a white background. The shot will be a close medium shot.
Miss Borges: Psychologist: filmed at interviewees workplace located in her classroom. The mise-en-scene will include her classroom and also a psychologist poster to connote topic with it being a close medium shot.
Archive Material:
Louise Redknapp The Truth About Size Zero:
P!NK Music Video- Stupid Girls:
Weight Watchers To Go On The NHS- Sky Article:
Christina Aguilera Music Video- Beautiful:
Body Image Advert:
Claire Richards Slave To Food:
Weight Watchers Online:
Sunday, 13 November 2011
Formal Proposal for Documentary
Formal Proposal – 'No Body’s Perfect’
Topic – Body Image
Type of Documentary – Mixed/Fully Narrated
Style of Documentary – Informative/Formal
Channel and Scheduling – 9pm, Channel 4, inheritance from Embarrassing Bodies
Target Audience – Young adults +
Primary Research Needed – Interviews;
• Personal trainer
• Weightwatchers Group leader
• Psychologist (Miss Borges)
• weight watchers member (Nathan)
• Cosmetic surgery patient
• public (vox pops)
Secondary Research Needed – Archive Material;
• Music Videos
• Other Documentaries
• News bulletins
• food packaging
• beauty products
Narrative Structure – Linear, Closed
Outline of Content
• Open on vox pops of words related to body image
• Opening titles
• Vox pops – different styles 9celebrities) + body sizes clips of pressure of young people (Louise Redknapp and Natalie Cassidy)
• Introduction to weight watchers + point system
• The success rate of weight watchers – talk about how males care more about weight loss. Interview with weight watchers leader, talk about supplements people take to lose weight.
• Explanation of cosmetic surgery, explaining the different procedures and pro’s and con’s. Sun beds. Beauty products – male and female
• Finally ending the documentary, talking about body image and how it is more important.
Summary of programme
• Tattoos/ Piercings
• Beauty
• Cosmetic surgery
• Clothes
• Celebrities
• Eating disorders
• Ideal weights
• Celebrity image
• Yoyo dieters
Topic – Body Image
Type of Documentary – Mixed/Fully Narrated
Style of Documentary – Informative/Formal
Channel and Scheduling – 9pm, Channel 4, inheritance from Embarrassing Bodies
Target Audience – Young adults +
Primary Research Needed – Interviews;
• Personal trainer
• Weightwatchers Group leader
• Psychologist (Miss Borges)
• weight watchers member (Nathan)
• Cosmetic surgery patient
• public (vox pops)
Secondary Research Needed – Archive Material;
• Music Videos
• Other Documentaries
• News bulletins
• food packaging
• beauty products
Narrative Structure – Linear, Closed
Outline of Content
• Open on vox pops of words related to body image
• Opening titles
• Vox pops – different styles 9celebrities) + body sizes clips of pressure of young people (Louise Redknapp and Natalie Cassidy)
• Introduction to weight watchers + point system
• The success rate of weight watchers – talk about how males care more about weight loss. Interview with weight watchers leader, talk about supplements people take to lose weight.
• Explanation of cosmetic surgery, explaining the different procedures and pro’s and con’s. Sun beds. Beauty products – male and female
• Finally ending the documentary, talking about body image and how it is more important.
Summary of programme
• Tattoos/ Piercings
• Beauty
• Cosmetic surgery
• Clothes
• Celebrities
• Eating disorders
• Ideal weights
• Celebrity image
• Yoyo dieters
Friday, 23 September 2011
Questionnaire Results - Pie Charts and Graphs
The finall question allowed us to see if the majority of people are conscious about what people think of them and the results show that 60% of the 30 questioned are concerned about what other people think of them.
The results from this question show that over half the people interviewed have used sunbeds before.
This question allows us to include sunbed usage and the thoughts about having a tan in are documentary which is an aspect of body image. It shows that 17 out of 30 feel better about themeselves when they have a tan.
We used this squestion because it allows us to include the words suggested in are documentary. Words such as food and hunger were the most associated words with 'diet'.
From the people interviewed slim and and normal were the most common description of body type.
This question shows that dresses are the most comfortable item clothing that people wear this may suggest that people are more conscious about how they look as dresses are commonly used when dressing for a important situation.
We asked this question as it gives us an opportunity to use a song that people find happy and uplifting which we could use when discussing a related topic in the documenatry. The results show numerous songs which we can use.
This question gave us a good understanding to the extent of which people care about their body image, it also allowed us to see what products are most common. From the people questionned they were able to name 10 products that they use. This shows the wide range of hair and beauty products which are in the market today.
This was a good indicator of the extent of how conscious people are about their body image as those with a longer length of time spent getting ready are more likely to be those that are more conscious. From the results it shows that the majority of the people interviewed take half an hour to get ready and 10 minutes being the lowest number of people.
This question is important to are documentary as it is the main focus, the results show that 70% of the people interviewed are conscious about what people think of them.
This question allowed used to include the results in are documentary as we can mention any celebrities that may influence people to change their appearance and lifestyle.
We used this question to acknowledge how conscious people are about their weight and it found that 20 people out of the 30 regularily check their weight.
With this question we established that 20 people out of the 30 we questionnaired had been on a diet and we were also able to find out what diets they were.
The results of this pie chart can be used as specific data for are documenatry as it found that there are more people not on diets than on diets from the people we questioned.
We chose to ask this question as we coulduse the results to choose what songs could be included in the documentary. After receiving the results we found that Jessie J's - Nobody's Perfect would be suitable to use for are documentary.
We asked this question as we would be able to relate it to the production of are documentary.
We are aiming are documentary at teenagers and above and that wis why the majority of people interviewed were teenagers.
We aimed to interview an equal amount of male and females as we want to create a program directed to both genders.
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