The finall question allowed us to see if the majority of people are conscious about what people think of them and the results show that 60% of the 30 questioned are concerned about what other people think of them.
The results from this question show that over half the people interviewed have used sunbeds before.
This question allows us to include sunbed usage and the thoughts about having a tan in are documentary which is an aspect of body image. It shows that 17 out of 30 feel better about themeselves when they have a tan.
We used this squestion because it allows us to include the words suggested in are documentary. Words such as food and hunger were the most associated words with 'diet'.
From the people interviewed slim and and normal were the most common description of body type.
This question shows that dresses are the most comfortable item clothing that people wear this may suggest that people are more conscious about how they look as dresses are commonly used when dressing for a important situation.
We asked this question as it gives us an opportunity to use a song that people find happy and uplifting which we could use when discussing a related topic in the documenatry. The results show numerous songs which we can use.
This question gave us a good understanding to the extent of which people care about their body image, it also allowed us to see what products are most common. From the people questionned they were able to name 10 products that they use. This shows the wide range of hair and beauty products which are in the market today.
This was a good indicator of the extent of how conscious people are about their body image as those with a longer length of time spent getting ready are more likely to be those that are more conscious. From the results it shows that the majority of the people interviewed take half an hour to get ready and 10 minutes being the lowest number of people.
This question is important to are documentary as it is the main focus, the results show that 70% of the people interviewed are conscious about what people think of them.
This question allowed used to include the results in are documentary as we can mention any celebrities that may influence people to change their appearance and lifestyle.
We used this question to acknowledge how conscious people are about their weight and it found that 20 people out of the 30 regularily check their weight.
With this question we established that 20 people out of the 30 we questionnaired had been on a diet and we were also able to find out what diets they were.
The results of this pie chart can be used as specific data for are documenatry as it found that there are more people not on diets than on diets from the people we questioned.
We chose to ask this question as we coulduse the results to choose what songs could be included in the documentary. After receiving the results we found that Jessie J's - Nobody's Perfect would be suitable to use for are documentary.
We asked this question as we would be able to relate it to the production of are documentary.
We are aiming are documentary at teenagers and above and that wis why the majority of people interviewed were teenagers.
We aimed to interview an equal amount of male and females as we want to create a program directed to both genders.